New Site, New Look

Today, we’re happy to announce we’re getting a new website started! It’s been a long time coming as our old site was starting to show its age and get a little unwieldy. As we’re moving forward and getting ready to launch some pre-sales, and give more updates, this is going to be a useful place to keep you fine folks updated and aware of what we’re working on.

And as to what we’re working on! There’s been a lot. We’ve been adding some more materials to the book. Mostly in the form of some new encounter types and rules, aimed at separating the more balanced, competitive encounter types from the narrative ones. We’ve also added what we’re calling “Narrative Encounter Modifiers,” which are additional rules such as environmental hazards that can be added to the base missions types. We’re also marching on towards doing pre-sales and some other merch we’ll be working on selling. So far, we’re looking at pre-print demo rule book PDFs, shirts, patches, and stickers. Those ideas are still pretty up in the air at the moment, but that’s the core of the idea at the moment. We’re also working on getting the fluff and fiction of the books hammered out. Nathan and I have been brainstorming and working with what model ranges we have permission to use in our books and demos.

Which brings me to the last of the big announcements for this launch! We’ve recently got permission to use ThatEvilOne’s models! If you’re not familiar with their work, you can find them on I’m really excited about adding their ranges to our rotation because they help fill some gaps in the tech levels we had access to, and the sculpts themselves are fantastic! I personally especially like the “Cheesestealer Cult” range, and they’re going to be making appearances soon, hopefully!

With all of that said, remember, at the ClockTower, it’s always game time.

-Gamer Steve


Slow But Steady