System Rework and Rebalance

Hello out there! It’s been a while as we’ve been working on stuff, despite health issues, but we’re still working! Over the last month, the biggest change is probably the overhaul of the core dice system a little bit. Until now, we’ve been working with d10s as the core of our system. However, after a long time in testing, we decided to tweak it a bit and now we’re working off of a d12 system. Most things required only minor adjustments, and after a couple of playtesting games, the math gets intuitive again pretty quickly. Thematically, this helps tie the game in with the new direction we’ve chosen for the ClockTower brand.

That sounds so cheesy to put in type, but that’s what it is now. Or at least what I’m trying to make it.

I’ve nearly finished the last two pieces of terrain I was working on and we’ve been slowly posting about those projects over on the socials, too. I’m really happy with the bus stop, and it’s more or less finished. The clothing store still needs a sign and some more weather. Those are on the way, though.

I’m also still working on getting merch stuff put together. The Zine feels like it’s a start/stop process because writing inspiration comes in fits. The logo and such are all a work in progress as well. So far, I’ve got the core of the logo in a place I’m pretty happy with, but it’s going to take some more work to get a full batch of them made up and ready to be turned into ready to use formats we can use for shirts, patches, and as smaller water-marks on little products like the zines.

I think the next big bear to tackle is getting more fiction written. So keep an eye out for that coming soon!


Progress and Kaizen