The Fylaxian Galaxy

The S.E.E.R. takes place in the Fylaxian Galaxy. In ages past, an interstellar empire fell to their own hubris and created ever more powerful technologies tampering with forces they didn’t truly understand. Thanks to their tampering, this reality and the next, parallel universes, if you will, collided. Never meant to touch, these overlapping realities were victims of a great calamity. In the chaos that resulted from their collision, both realities were rocked to their cores. Planes of existence once separated fused into one. Reality itself was laid low into a tenuous hold on existence.

Now, post Sundering, survivors of empires long since forgotten vie for resources and advancement in a universe growing ever more crowded. Empires once expansive and powerful, trying to recapture their former glory encounter and do battle with enemies never before met. Hints of former technological might loom large in ruined factories where scavengers are forced into fights for survival against the very fauna and flora they had once tamed and domesticated. Chroniclers dig for technology and knowledge buried in the sands of time even as doomsday cults rise to burry the past and embrace the new future.

What face will your band take? Will you join the battle for the Reclamation of Terra, bent on reuniting with worlds long lost with technology unimaginable to most? Perhaps the path of the Archivist Matron amongst the Sisterhood of Res, archeologist and historians driven to catalogue the galaxy as it once was? Or will you choose to embrace this new nightmarish reality and lead cultists of the Golden Masks in the undermining and tumbling of the anachronistic?

The choice is yours.